Friday, July 25, 2008

Pastor Dude and the Amazing VBS

It is 11:30 PM as I write this. My body is exhausted but my mind is racing. It has been a long day and a long week but what a great "long" it has been!

We had Vacation Bible School this week, during the day. There was an average of 161 children that came. They sang, they danced, the painted, the listened, and they learned. I talked to quite a few, shook hands with most, and, this evening after our closing, I received hugs from many.

Each day I told jokes. Each day they booed at my jokes. It became a game, each joke silly and down right poor, each time receiving a thumbs down. But always with smiles. I was always greeted with, "Pastor Dude!" We had a gnarly good time together!

This evening was our closing. We spent a lot of money on this evening festivities, along with the overall VBS program. I admit we were worried that not many would show this evening. We had a beach bash, with a free cookout, bouncy obstacle course and a bouncy house, or whatever they are called. We had 300 people show up. It was fantastic.

Several people from the church said, with understandable excitement in their voices, how successful the evening was, having this many people show up. And yes, it was exciting to see so many turn out and have a great time. But that wasn't how I measured our success this evening. I thought the evenings festivities were a success because, as people walk down to the pavilion and find a place to sit or watch their kids play, I watched the Good Samaritan people go and welcome them, strike up conversations with them; I watched connections being made. I watched GS people offer up food and drink with smiles on their faces and speaking words of grace to each that they saw. I watched GS people get up from their seats so that our "guests" could have a place to sit. I watched as God's people acted like God's people! And because of that this evening was a success. In fact, this week was a success not because of 161 kids showed up but because men and women gave up of their time to plan, to work, to teach, to fill in, to lend a hand, because they were being Christ to those kids and to their families.

I had a grandmother and grandfather come to me with tears in their eyes thanking me for this week because their grandkids don't go to church and this was their first connection with church, and loved it. I had parents say how much their kids loved the week and how they would come home to tell them the stories they heard, the songs they learned, and the stupid jokes Pastor Dude told. I had families say how impressed they were with what we were doing for them this evening.

What I heard was testimony from people about the grace the GS people demonstrated to these families. Connections were being made, relationships were being built, evangelism was taking place, and demonstrative service was being performed.

I expect that sharing God's grace will be a more frequent event for the Good Sam church. And I have no doubt, after watching everything this evening, that this church has much of God's grace to share, and will do so willing, joyfully, and thankfully.


Mom said...

God will bless the fruits of your labors. May your church live up to its name--Good Samaritan--and be faithful.

Unknown said...

This sounds as though it was a tremendous success!! God is good. I can't remember from our time at COS-Emory what your church setting is (rural, urban, etc.). Also, what is your avg. youth/children attendance on regular worship services (Wednesday, Sunday, etc.).

The reason I ask is I would like to use your story as an example of what God can do with ordinary people that are determined to make an eternal difference for His Kingdom.

Charlie N.

Jim Elder said...


I was moved to Good Sam this June. It is in Lake Wylie, SC ( It is in an area with great potential - lots of growth in the area (suburb to Charlotte). We've been averaging in the high 60's/low 70's but with several visitors every week.

I should also add that God gave us a gift for VBS. The YMCA uses our facilities for an after-school program and has continued to use it for their summer program. They asked is they could have their kids be part of our VBS - that brought it around a 100 or so kids.

Still, the success was in what the Good Sam people did!

We have just regrouped our Youth and are starting from scratch. We had our first outing on Sunday with 10 youth. We're excited about the possibility of growing that group.

Our children's dept. will grow because I believe God will honor us as we strive to honor him in what we do and how we serve others.

roadtripray said...

Hi Jim, er, Pastor Dude,

I hate I missed the festivities Friday night. I have been fighting bronchitis and just needed to shut down for the night. Vicki told me about the wonderful turnout, but I agree with you, the numbers aren't the important thing. The people of GSUMC are a very loving caring group of people and I think they were such in need of an experience like this to allow them to use their gifts in a way to witness to the community outside the walls of the church!


Judy Shepherd said...

Hey "Pastor Dude"--I am at Emory in the end of my 4th year! I must say I miss you not being here. I am excited about your ministry...I pray God's blessings on you and your church...Shalom, Judy S.

Anonymous said...

I had tears in my eyes as I read this, not only because of the beautiful way you describe this truly blessed event, but because it brought joyous memories to me as well. I was one of the privileged volunteers at the Good Samaritan Beach Party VBS. I assure you it was as rewarding for me as a worker as it was for you as Pastor Dude!! Blessings, Vicki

Steve said...

Very cool, Jim! I'm glad for it. Nice to see you recently.