Saturday, October 01, 2011

The Birds of the Air

I like to sit outside on my porch and have my devotions, do some reading and thinking, and drink my cup(s) of tea. I also like to watch the birds around my house.

We have a bird feeder just a little ways from the back deck and a Hummingbird feeder on the deck, and it's fun and interesting to watch the different types of birds come and go. Green Hummingbirds with a light ring around their neck, deep red Cardinals, Bluejays, bright Yellow finches, Robins, Doves - they, and several other kinds, come and help themselves to the food we provide for them. Occasionally I see hawks or falcons (I'm not sure sometimes) dart through the trees but they've not graced my meal spread yet.


There is another bird that hasn't graced my birdfeeder, and I'm thankful for that, but I see them around my area all the time, especially along the side of the road. Vultures. They're big ugly things, and even uglier when you drive past them feasting on some dead carcass. Living in a small town/rural area, I see that quite often.

However, when these Vultures fly, they have a majestic presence about them. (It does help that you can't see their faces when they're in the air.) They just soar, wings outspread, riding the wind across the fields and trees around my house. And you can't help but get an eerie feeling when one flies overhead and casts its shadow on the ground, or across my dog! Watching these birds fly, as ugly as they are up close, is a pretty inspiring thing!

I've heard that the Condor out in the west was almost extinct but has come back, thanks to the efforts of many folks and organizations. They say that these birds can have a wing span of up to 10 feet. Now, watching them in flight would be a majestic site to behold! Check it out by clicking here.

There is another bird in my area, especially around my house, that is even more majestic to watch, especially when compared to these Vultures. I don't know what kind it is but they have earned my greatest respect. They are not much bigger than my hand and they will take on any Vulture at anytime. They will literally chase and attack these big birds. They dart towards the Vultures, almost crashing into them, squeal at them, and I am sure they even peck at them while in flight. And these Vultures? They get going and high tale it out of town. 

I'm sure there's a moral in this story, kind of a "David and Goliath" thing, I suppose. You know what I mean: what's important is using what gifts and talents and abilities we are given and not to give in to our weaknesses or failures or inadequacies. So true, and so often we need to be reminded of this. So take this lesson and apply it where it needs to be applied in your life. However, at the moment, what I get from this is this: you may be big and ugly but that doesn't carry any weight when up against some little creature that is ticked off at you! So get out of their way.

1 comment:

note on life said...

Birds of a feather...flock together...I am hoping I am not a vulture. uringi