Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Christian versus the Christ Follower

I'm not sure when I first heard about it or read about it but somewhere sometime ago I was made aware of a growing discussion about a group of believers in Christ who were no longer referring to themselves as Christian but as Christ Followers instead. The rational was that "Christian" had taken on such a negative, hypocritical, and political connotation and they did not want to be associated to that but instead wanted to be a people whose sole purpose was to follow Jesus, thus, Christ Followers.

Since that time I have read much about this difference of terms, especially from one of my favorite Christian writers, John Fischer (see links on side bar). His writings are often about the religiosity of Christianity and what it is to be a true follower of Christ. I have not ever put down his books without having to rethink and reconsider my own views of what it truly means to be a Christian - one who believes in and strives to follow Christ and become like him.

I came across a series of videos on YouTube that addressed this but in a funny way. They are a parody of the Mac vs. PC commercials. The series of six plus a different one can be found on the right sidebar. Take a look and enjoy, but beware, you may be challenged to rethink what it means for you to be a Christian.

1 comment:

Stephen Taylor said...

YOu aren't the only one thinking this way. See the link to an article by Tony Campolo and the label of "Red Letter Christians."